Ways to Give

Staffed by Volunteers

Please Give Today!

The Soup Kitchen is a remarkable place. Staffed by volunteers and funded by community donations, for over 42 years it has remained true to its mission, feeding those in need. Our brown bagged meals are given out to over 40,000 diners annually. 

This service is only possible with the tireless support of our volunteers, committed donors and generous Victoria businesses.

Donate Today

Making a Gift

There are 3 ways you can support our diners at The Soup Kitchen:

By Cheque

Mail your contribution to:
The Soup Kitchen
740 View Street
Victoria, BC V8W 3Y7

In Kind

We gladly accept donations of new socks, gloves, hats and personal care products. Please email info@thesoupkitchen.ca to arrange delivery.

The society is a registered charity in Canada (charitable registration number 132001553 RR0001) and a registered society in British Columbia (23789). A tax receipt will be issued for all donations.

Thank You

Our Valued Supporters

A heartfelt thank you to these amazing local businesses and organizations who support The Soup Kitchen!